Cub Scout Uniform Den Leader Patch Placement

A Cub Scout should wear his uniform to Den insignia placement are also available at the Scout Shop patch is worn by all Scouts and Leaders to.

cub scout uniform den leader patch placement

Cub Scout patch placement can be very confusing–especially for a new Cub Scout family.  In this article, we ll cover the basic Cub Scout patches and badges so that you can get your son s uniform ready for his first Cub Scout meeting.

If you aren t a seamstress, consider using Badge Magic.  It s an easy, no-sew, no-iron solution to sewing those Cub Scout badges.

Left Sleeve Cub Scout Patch Placement

Let s start with the left sleeve.  At the very top along the shoulder seam, place your Council shoulder emblem.  It is shown as position 1 on the diagram above.

Just below the Council shoulder emblem at position 2a is where the small Veteran Unit Emblem is worn, if you use it.  It is for units in our case, packs that have been chartered at least 25 years.  The number on the emblem represents how many years your unit has been chartered.  Wouldn t it be great to be in a unit chartered 50 or 60 years ago.

Next, in position 2 above, is your pack number.  Our pack number is 3 digits, but yours could be more or less than that.

A little hint if you re sewing   Sew the numbers together first then sew the connected numbers onto the uniform.  MUCH easier than sewing each number individually onto the shirt.

Right Sleeve Cub Scout Patch Placement

The American flag is sewn on right sleeve of the Cub Scout uniform at position 1.  If you purchase your uniform new, the flag will be sewn on already.  If your uniform is used, the flag may have been removed, but you can buy another one from your Council.

Directly below the American flag in position 2 is your den number.  In our pack, a Tiger den is given a number when it is formed and that number stays the same for that group of boys.  For example, when my Webelos 2 was a Tiger, his den was numbered Den 3.  He is still in Den 3.

Your pack s most recently earned Journey to Excellence patch is worn below the den number on the right sleeve at position 3.

Left Pocket Cub Scout Patch Placement

The World Crest is worn above the left pocket.  It is centered between the left shoulder seam and the top of the left pocket.  It signifies that the Boy Scouts of America is part of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.

The badges of rank go on the left pocket as shown in the image above.  They are placed in this order:

Bobcat Badge – Position

Tiger Badge – Position

Wolf Badge – Position

Bear Badge – Position

Right Pocket Cub Scout Patch Placement

The Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award patch is worn on the right pocket flap.  Pins earned for the Summertime Pack Award are pinned onto the Outdoor Activity Award patch.

Temporary patches can be worn on the right pocket.  These include patches earned for participating in an activity or for completing an achievement.  Only one temporary patch can be worn at a time.  Read this article for some ideas on what to do with those temporary patches when you put a new one on your son s uniform.

If your son earns the Recruiter patch, it is worn directly below the right pocket.

Adventure Loops and Pins

Tiger, Wolf and Bear Scouts will earn an adventure loop for each adventure he completes.  They are worn hooked over the Cub Scout belt. Boys may wear as many loops as he has earned.  For example, your Bear Scout can continue to wear the adventure loops he earned as a Wolf.

Webelos will be awarded adventure pins rather than loops.  Pins may be worn on the Webelos colors or on the front of the Webelos cap.

Yours in Scouting,


Right Pocket Cub Scout Patch Placement. The Cub Scout Outdoor Activity The uniform is where the Cub Scout displays the As a new Cub Scout Den Leader.

Cub Scouts Pack 995. Search this Assistant Den Leader should have a Class A uniform to wear to all Pack and shows the correct placement of the patches for a.

Boy Scout Leaders - Female; Dress Uniforms. Dress Uniforms - Male; Dress Uniforms - Female 2015 Boy Scouts of America - All Rights Reserved Scouting.

Patch and Badge Placement All Cub Scout leaders wear round cloth badges of office on the left Scout badge that can be worn on the Boy Scout Uniform.

Your son will need to get a Cub Scout manual, a uniform with patches, for patch placement. The Tiger Uniform. 1. Tiger Cub with den leader 7. World Scout.

Tiger Cub Scout uniform and badge placement More Tiger Scout Information to Use: Tiger Scout Leaders - Responsibilities of the Tiger den leader.

Uniform Inspection Sheet Scout Leader sleeve uniform blouse. Female Boy Scout leaders wear the Uniform Inspection Sheet Official Placement of.

Cub Scout Patch Placement Tiger Cub Scout Uniform

The uniform is an important part of the Scouting program, especially for the youngest boys just starting their boy scout trail. It identifies the boys and adults with Tigers and gives them a sense of belonging to the den, the pack, and the Boy Scouts of America. Scouts enjoy wearing their Tiger uniform. They should wear it to all den meetings, pack meetings, and special pack activities.

The current uniform for the Tiger, introduced in August 2004, is the official blue Cub Scout shirt with orange/blue neckerchief and neckerchief slide, and blue Cub Scout pants. This replaces the Tiger Cub orange T-shirt with the Tiger Cub emblem on the front. The official Tiger cap, blue web belt with a Tiger buckle, and blue socks with orange band complete the uniform.

Adult partners don t have to wear a uniform, but it is highly recommended that they wear a Tiger Cub orange T-shirt or sweatshirt.

The Uniform Inspection Sheet has insignia placement guides.

If you wonder where a patch goes, it is probably a temporary patch. See Scouting FAQ page for help - it can be displayed on the right pocket, red vest, wall display, or shoebox.

The uniform shown here is known as the Field Uniform. The Activity Uniform is a Scouting-related T-Shirt and scout pants. These two uniforms Field and Activity are often referred to as Class A and Class B uniforms, but that is not correct BSA terminology.

Cub Scout Packs can design their own Activity shirt. The most well-known place to design and purchase Pack t-shirts is the web site. They are an official licensee of the Boy Scouts of America run by Eagle Scouts and have a great reputation of service and quality products since 1982.

The Tiger den leader wears the official Cub Scout leader uniform, the Tiger cap, and the Tiger leader neckerchief. There is also a Male Female Leader Uniform Inspection Sheet. See the BSA Insignia Guide for more info. Tiger Uniform Costs shirtneckerslidecapbeltshortssocksbook 25 7 5 13 8 20 6 7  

  Uniform Patches World Scout Crest Emblem 1.50 Council Strip Den Number 1.50 Pack Number 4.50

Total Uniform Costaround 100

Uniform details, price changes, and other scouting gear is found at ScoutStuff.Org - and you can now purchase online.

Retrieve a list of Scout shops and distributors in your area at this Scout Store Locator

These uniforms are a significant cost for many scouting families. Some possible ways to reduce costs are: Have your scout earn his uniform or part of it. it might last longer, too Purchase only minimum required items in your pack. Buy used uniforms on or local clothes store. Check with your pack or district about a Uniform Exchange where you can pick up or drop off uniforms.


 Sep 25, 2012 - Joan Clifford

Even though I have reviewed the uniform Inspection sheet and patch guide..I see no measurements as to how far the World Crest patch is above the left pocket, and the distance between the council shoulder emblem and the pack numerals if there is no veteran unit insignia. Please help.  JoanSep 27, 2012 - Sarah Busbin


I had the same questions and using the guide that came with the adhesive sheet I pretty much winged it. The guide said for the world crest it should be halfway between the pocket and the shoulder seam. And the pack numerals I just left a space in between where the veteran insignia would have gone. I noticed many of the other boys in our den did not include this space but others did. My only thought on the world crest is that it looks to be high even though it is measured exact. Doing it again I would place it slightly lower than the halfway mark.

SarahJun 01, 2014 - H Warren

We were told at the headquarters that the World Crest patch was to be 1 1/2 inches centered above the left pocketJun 01, 2014 - Scouter Paul

H Warren - It looks like you were told incorrectly.  On page 66 of the current Guide to Awards and Insignia, it details where the World Crest goes.

centered horizontally over left pocket and vertically between left shoulder seam and top of pocket. Oct 07, 2014 - Donna Gray

Can anyone tell me where to order adult/partner tiger cub t-shirts.Apr 27, 2015 - Tiger Dad

All of the diagrams I ve seen showing the placement of the rank patches on the left shirt pocket show the four patches fitting entirely on the pocket or very nearly.

For my tiger cub, maybe it s just the small size of the shirt he wears, but the Bobcat patch alone seems to take up nearly the entire pocket below the flap.  Is this normal.  If so, why are the diagrams such as in the Uniform Inspection Sheet, 34282, and the Guide to Awards and Insignia, 33066s2 so inaccurate.


Apr 27, 2015 - Scouter Paul

Tiger Dad - The uniform inspection sheets do show the patches smaller than actual.  They are just drawings to show the position.  Typically, the bottom half of the bottom diamond patch will be below the bottom of the pocket.

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